Occassional, Working and Conference Papers

  • Hamber, B. (2023). Victim Mobilisation: An antidote to denialism, a route to new relationships? Paper presented at the Conference on Intergroup Relations After Violent Conflict: Insights from Research and Practice, The Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University October 5-6, 2023 [Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2021). The Nexus between Peacebuilding and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support. Paper present at the UN Peacebuilding Commission Expert-level Meeting, 3 December 2021 [Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2020). What is known and done already on MHPSS in (COVID-) crisis response and in efforts to build and sustain peace? Input to the UN General Assembly High-level Week event on “COVID-19 and the role of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support”. Hosted by the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the G7+ and the Center on International Cooperation, 23 September 2020 [Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2020). Mind the past to build the future: Systematic attention for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in peacebuilding efforts. Member state consultation. Hosted by Stabilisation and Humanitarian Aid Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dutch Government, Online Zoom Input, 29 April 2020 [Download]

  • Coyles, D., Hamber B., Grant, A. (2018). Hidden Barriers and Divisive Architecture: The Case of Belfast. Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series (KESS). Northern Ireland Assembly: Stormont [Download]

  • Hamber, B. and Little, A. and Verwoerd, W. (2018). Cultivating Peace: An Exploration of the Role of Nature-Based Activities in Conflict Transformation (February 10, 2018). Transitional Justice Institute Research Paper No. 19-03 [ Read Online]

  • Hamber, B. (2015). Building the Future: Victim and Survivor Issues in Context. Paper presented at the Review of the Victims and Survivors Strategy 2009-2019 Conference, Annual Conference, Commission for Victims and Survivors Titanic Belfast, 9-10 March 2016 [Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2009, 8 October). Repairing the Irreparable: Challenges facing compensation and reparations in societies in transition. Paper presented at the CAIN Seminar Series hosted by INCORE and ARK Magee Campus, Derry/Londonderry, University of Ulster [Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2009, 15 October). Repairing the Irreparable: Challenges facing compensation and reparations in societies in transition. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the FDFA Political Affairs Division IV, Human Security, Dealing with the Past, Berne, Switzerland [Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2008, 29-30 October). Integration: A process, not problem. Paper presented at the STEP/ECAS/MWSN European Conference on Integration (Keynote Address), Armagh City Hotel, Armagh, Northern Ireland [Download]

  • Clancy, M.A.C. & Hamber, B. (2008, September 9-11). Trauma, Peacebuilding, and Development: An overview of key positions and critical questions. Paper presented at the Trauma, Development and Peacebuilding Conference, New Delhi, India [ Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2008, 17 May). Putting the Past in Perspective. Paper presented at the Putting the Past in Perspective Seminar Canada Room, Queen’s University, Belfast [Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2006, 12-13 October). 'We must be very careful how we emancipate our women’: shifting masculinities in post-apartheid South Africa. Paper presented at the Re-Imagining Women’s Security: a Comparative Study of South Africa, Northern Ireland and Lebanon Round Table, New York [Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2004, 6-8 February). Reparations as symbol: Narratives of resistance, reticence and possibility in South Africa. Paper presented at the Reparations: An Interdisciplinary Examination of Some Philosophical Issues, Kingston, Queens University, Canada [Request Copy]

  • Hamber, B. (2004, 27-29 March). Public Memorials and Reconciliation Processes in Northern Ireland. Paper presented at the Trauma and Transitional Justice in Divided Societies Conference, Airlie House, Warrington, Virginia, USA [ Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2004, 7-8 April). The Impact of Trauma: A psychosocial approach. Keynote Address. Paper presented at the A Shared Practice - Victims Work in Action Conference, Radisson Roe Park Hotel, Limavady, Northern Ireland [ Read Online]

  • Hamber, B. (2004, 15-17 October). Coming to terms with the conflict in and about Northern Ireland: Lessons from the Healing Through Remembering project. Paper presented at the Truth and Reconciliation in ex-Yugoslavia: Where are we now and where to go Conference, Serbia: Belgrade [Download]

  • Kelly, G., & Hamber, B. (2004, 9 June). Coherent, contested or confused? Views on reconciliation in Northern Ireland. Paper presented at the Reconciliation: Rhetoric or Relevance? A roundtable discussion on concepts and practices of reconciliation, Wellington Park Hotel, Belfast [Download]

  • Hamber, B., & Kelly, G. (2004). A Working Definition of Reconciliation: SEUPB & Democratic Dialogue: Published with PEACE II Funding Guidelines [Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2003). Hamber, B. (2003, 6 March). Rights and Reasons: Challenges for Truth Recovery in South Africa and Northern Ireland. Paper presented at the Strengths and limitations of truth commissions: the cases of Argentina, Chile, South Africa and Guatemala Workshop, Peterhouse College, Cambridge University, UK Later published with minor changes in the Fordham International Law Journal, 26(4), pp. 1074-1094 [Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2003, 4 February). Peacebuilding Post 2003: The need for a more expansive view of peacebuilding in Ireland. Keynote Address. Paper presented at the Peacebuilding Post 2006 Workshop, Fairways Hotel, Dundalk, Co. Louth, Republic of Ireland [Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2003, 11-13 October). Flying flags of fear: The role of fear in the process of political transition. Paper presented at the Risk, Complex Crises & Social Futures Conference, Amman, Jordan [ Read the Abstract Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2003, 18-20 November). Are lessons transferable? The importance of research for policy on transitional justice mechanisms. Paper presented at the Empirical Research Methodologies of Transitional Justice Mechanisms Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa [Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2002, 16 December). Maximising our contributions to building peace and reconciliation. Paper presented at the Standing Community Convention, Armagh City Hotel, Northern Ireland [Download]

  • Simpson, G., Hamber, B., & Stott, N. (2001, 6-7 February). Future Challenges to Policy-Making in Countries in Transition, Presentation to the Workshop. Paper presented at the Comparative Experiences of Policy Making and Implementation in Countries in Transition Workshop, Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland [ Read Online]

  • Hamber, B., Mosikare, N., Friedman, M., & Maepa, T. (2000, 17-21 June). Speaking Out: The role of the Khulumani Victim Support Group in dealing with the past in South Africa. Paper presented at the Psychosocial programmes after war and dictatorship Conference, Frankfurt, Germany [Download]

  • Brocklehurst, H., Hamber, B., Robinson, G., & Stott, N. (2000, 31 August -3 September). Lesson drawing from the Negotiated Transitions in South Africa and Northern Ireland. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Marriot Wardman Park, USA [Download]

  • Hamber, B. (1999). Past Imperfect: Strategies for dealing with past political violence in Northern Ireland, South Africa and countries in transition (Occasional Paper). Johannesburg, South Africa: The Centre for the Study of Violence & Reconciliation [Download]

  • Hamber, B., & Wilson, R. (1999, 27-29 January). Symbolic closure through Memory, Reparation and Revenge in Post-conflict Societies. Paper presented at the Traumatic Stress in South Africa Conference, Parktonian Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa [ Read Online] Later published in the Journal of Human Rights [ Download]

  • Hamber, B., & Lewis, S. (1997). An Overview of the Consequences of Violence and Trauma in South Africa (Occasional Paper). Johannesburg, South Africa: The Centre for the Study of Violence & Reconciliation [ Read Online]

  • Hamber, B., Mofokeng, T., & Simpson, G. (1997). Evaluating the Role and Function of Civil Society in a Changing South Africa: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission as a Case Study (Occasional Paper). Johannesburg, South Africa: The Centre for the Study of Violence & Reconciliation [ Read Online]

  • Levin, L., Dewhirst, P., & Hamber, B. (1997, 11-13 November). The use of EVSYS for preparing a human rights database for presentation to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa. Paper presented at the HURIDOCS Conference, Mexico City [ Read Online]

  • Hamber, B. (1997, 3 October). Reflecting on the Truth: Has the media coverage of the TRC changed the way the public sees itself, its history and its responsibility? Paper presented at the TRC and Human Rights Journalism in South Africa Workshop, Rosebank Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa [ Read Online]

  • Stauffer, C., & Hamber, B. (1995). Putting a Face on the Past: Survivor-Offender Mediation and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (Occasional Paper). Johannesburg, South Africa: Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation [ Read Online]

  • Hamber, B. (1995). Do Sleeping Dogs Lie? The Psychological Implications of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa (Occasional Paper). Johannesburg, South Africa: The Centre for the Study of Violence & Reconciliation [Download]

  • Hamber, B. (1995, 27 June). Dealing with the Past and the Psychology of Reconciliation: A psychological perspective of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Paper presented at the 4th International Symposium on The Contributions of Psychology to Peace, Cape Town [ Read Online]