Journal Articles

  • Verwoerd, W., Little, A., & Hamber, B. (2024). Beyond intragroup betrayal during intergroup relational peacebuilding. Peacebuilding, 1-17,   [Open Access in Journal]

  • Verwoerd, W., Little, A., & Hamber, B. (2022). Peace as Betrayal: On the Human Cost of Relational Peacebuilding in Transitional Contexts. International Journal of Transitional Justice,  16(2), 204-219. [Access in Journal] [Download Accepted Version]

  • Hamber, Brandon and Palmary, Ingrid (2021). A Dance of Shadows and Fires: Conceptual and Practical Challenges of Intergenerational Healing after Mass Atrocity. Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal, 15 (3), 100-120 [Download]

  • Coyles, D., Hamber, B., & Grant, A. (2021). Hidden barriers and divisive architecture: The role of “everyday space” in conflict and peacebuilding in Belfast. Journal of Urban Affairs, 1-24 [Download]

  • Hamber, Brandon and Lundy, Patricia (2020). Lessons from Transitional Justice? Toward a New Framing of a Victim-Centered Approach in the Case of Historical Institutional Abuse. Victims and Offenders [Download]

  • Hamber, B., & Gallagher, E. (2017). Commentary on Cummings et al. Development and Psychopathology, 29(1), 37-38 [Download]

  • Baumgartner, E., Hamber, B., Jones, B., Kelly, G., & Oliveira, I. (2016). Documentation, Human Rights and Transitional Justice. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 8(1), 1-5 [Download]

  • Hamber, Brandon and Kelly, Gráinne (2016). Practice, Power and Inertia: Personal Narrative, Archives and Dealing with the Past in Northern Ireland. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 8 (1): 25-44 [ Request Copy or Access in the Journal]

  • Hamber, Brandon (2015). There Is a Crack in Everything: Problematising Masculinities, Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice. Human Rights Review, 17 (1). pp. 9-34 [ Request Copy or Access in the Journal]

  • Hamber, Brandon and Gallagher, Elizabeth (2014) Ships passing in the night: psychosocial programming and macro peacebuilding strategies with young men in Northern Ireland. Intervention: Journal of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Areas, 12 (1), 43-60 [ Download]

  • Hamber, Brandon, Gallagher, Elizabeth and Ventevogel, Peter (2014) Narrowing the gap between psychosocial practice, peacebuilding and wider social change: an introduction to the Special Section in this issue. Intervention: Journal of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Area, 12 (1), 7-15 [ Download]

  • Roe, M.D., Barrett, M., Bar-Tal, D., Bretherton, D., Dawes, A., Gallagher, E., Giles, M.L., Hakvoort, I., Hamber, B., Moeschberger, S.L., Montiel, C.J., Muldoon, O.T., Salomon, G., Trew, K., and Wessells, M.G. (2014). Professor Ed Cairns: A personal and professional biography. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 20(1), 3-12 [ Request Copy or Access in the Journal]

  • Gallagher, E., Hamber , B., and Joy, E. (2012). Perspectives and Possibilities: Mental Health in post-Agreement Northern Ireland. Shared Space: A research journal on peace, conflict and community relations in Northern Ireland, 13, pp.63-78 [ Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2012). Conflict Museums, Nostalgia, and Dreaming of Never Again. Peace & Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 18(3),261-281 [ Request Copy or Access in the Journal]

  • Magill, C., & Hamber, B. (2010). "If They Don't Start Listening to Us, the Future is Going to Look the Same as the Past": Young People and Reconciliation in Northern Ireland and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Youth & Society, , 43(2), 509-527 [ Request Copy or Access in the Journal]

  • Hamber, B., Sevcenko, L., & Naidu, E. (2010). Utopian Dreams or Practical Possibilities? The Challenges of Evaluating the Impact of Memorialization in Societies in Transition. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 4(3), 397-420 [ Request Copy or Access in the Journal]

  • Hamber, B. (2010). Masculinity and Transition: Crisis or Confusion in South Africa? Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, 5(3), 75-88 [ Request Copy or Access in the Journal]

  • Hamber, B. (2010). Masculinity and Transitional Justice: An Exploratory Essay. Masculinity and Transitional Justice: An Exploratory Essay, in Politorbis, 50(3): 143:154  [ Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2008). Voice: “So What Is It Like Now That Your Country Is Run by a Terrorist?”. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, 9(1-2), 189-191 [ Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2007). Hamber, B. (2007). Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Paradise Lost or Pragmatism? Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 13(1), 113-123 [ Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2007). Masculinity and Transitional Justice: An Exploratory Essay. Peace Prints: South Asian Journal of Transitional Justice, 3(1), Autumn [ Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2007). Masculinity and Transitional Justice: An Exploratory Essay. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 1(3), 375-390 [ Request Copy or Access in the Journal]

  • Hamber, B. (2006). Flying flags of fear: The role of fear in the process of political transition. Journal of Human Rights, 5, 127-142. Republished with permission [ Download]

  • Hamber, B., Hillyard, P., Maguire, A., McWilliams, M., Robinson, G., Russell, D., et al. (2006). Discourses in Transition: Re-Imagining Women's Security. International Relations, 20(4), 487-502.[Request Copy or Access in the Journal]

  • Hamber, B. (2004). Coming to terms with the conflict in and about Northern Ireland: Lessons from the Healing Through Remembering Project. Temida: Journal of the Victimology Society of Serbia, 7(4), 23-31. [ Download in Serbian or Download in English]

  • Hamber, B. (2004). Flying flags of fear: The role of fear in the process of political transition. Bulletin of the Royal Institute of Inter-faith Studies, 6(1), 113-131 [ Download]

  • Lykes, M.B., TerreBlanche, M. & Hamber, B. (2003). Narrating survival and change in Guatemala and South Africa: The politics of representation and a liberatory community psychology. American Journal of Community Psychology, 31(1-2), pp. 79-90 [ Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2003). Rights and Reasons: Challenges for Truth Recovery in South Africa and Northern Ireland. Fordham International Law Journal, 26(4), pp. 1074-1094 [ Download]

  • Hamber, B.E. (2002). 'Ere their story die': truth, justice and reconciliation in South Africa. Race and Class, Volume 44, Number 1, July to September 2002, Special Edition: Truth? Bill Rolston (ed), pp.61-79 [ Download]

  • Hamber, B. and Wilson, R. (2002). Symbolic Closure through memory, reparation and revenge in post-conflict societies. Journal of Human Rights, Volume 1, Number. 1, (March 2002), pp. 35-53 [ Download]

  • Brocklehurst, H., Stott, N., Hamber, B. & Robinson, G. (2001). Lesson Drawing: Northern Ireland and South Africa. Indicator South Africa, 18(1), pp. 89-95 [ Request Copy]

  • Hamber, B. (2000). Have no doubt it is fear in the land: An exploration of the continuing cycles of violence in South Africa. South African Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Vol 12 1), pp. 5-18. Reprinted with permission of Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie [ Download]

  • Hamber, B. (2000). Repairing the Irreparable: Dealing with the double-binds of making reparations for crimes of the past. Ethnicity and Health, 5(3/4), pp.215-226 [ Download]

  • Hamber, B., Nageng, D. & O’Malley. G. (2000). Telling it like it is…Survivors’ perceptions of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Psychology in Society, 26, pp.18-42 [ Download]

  • Hamber, B. & Maepa, T. (2000). Education for Reconciliation in South Africa. The Development Education Journal, Volume 6 (2), pp. 15-17. [ Request Copy]

  • Hamber, B. (1999). Have no doubt it is fear in the land: An exploration of the continuing cycles of violence in South Africa. Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie, Jg. 7, Nr. 1+2, pp. 113-128 [Download]

  • van der Merwe, H., Dewhirst, P. & Hamber, B. (1999). Non-governmental organisations and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission: An impact assessement. Politikon, 26(1), pp.55-79 [ Download]

  • Theissen, G. & Hamber, B. (1998). A State of Denial: White South Africans' attitudes to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Indicator South Africa, 15(1), Autumn, pp. 8-12 [ Download]

  • Hamber, B.E. (1998). Living with the Legacy of Impunity: Lessons for South Africa about Truth, Justice and Crime in Brazil. Latin American Report, Volume 13 (2), July-December, pp. 4-16. Centre for Latin American Studies: University of South Africa [ Download]

  • Hamber, B.E. (1998). The Burdens of Truth: An Evaluation of the Psychological Support Services and Initiatives undertaken by the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission. American Imago, Volume 55, Number 1, Spring 1998, pp.9-28 [ Download]

  • Hamber, B.E. & Terre Blanche, M. (1997). Miracles and Wonders: Towards a new history of the Durban Aquarium. Soziale Wirklichkeit, Vol 1 (1), pp. 27-36 [ Request Copy]

  • Terre Blanche, M. & Hamber, B.E. (1996). Between the Shark Tank and the Deep Blue Sea: Incidents from the history of the Durban Aquarium. South African Journal of Psychology, Vol 26, No. 3, pp. 157-161 [ Download Published Version] or [ Download Accepted Version]

  • Hamber, B.E. & Rock, B.M. (1993). Mental Illness and Human Rights: In Search of Context, Consequence and Effective Care. Rethinking Rights, Number 1, 72-91 [ Download]